The Best Software for Data Management and Analytics in Additive Manufacturing!

Streamline your data management and leverage the value of your data.

  • all relevant data in one place
  • automate your data management & analytics
  • optimize your AM processes, part quality & costs
Peter Lindecke testing the amsight software

Optimize your Additive Manufacturing Processes through data-powered insights.

Struggling with high data management efforts, low part quality or high costs? With our software you can efficiently optimize your Additive Manufacturing processes from feedstock to final part.

Our partners & supporters

Kegelmann Technik logo
Fraunhofer IAPT logo
Gateway49 logo
Kegelmann Technik logo
Fraunhofer IPA logo
StartUp port logo
Digitaler Innovationspreis logo
BMWK logo
exist logo
EU logo
ESF logo
EU logo 2
Boellinger group logo
Fraunhofer IPT logo
Kegelmann Technik logo
Fraunhofer IAPT logo
Gateway49 logo
Kegelmann Technik logo
Fraunhofer IPA logo
StartUp port logo
Gründerpreis logo
BMWK logo
EXIST logo
EU logo
ESF logo
EU logo 2
Boellinger group logo
Fraunhofer IPT logo


Accelerate your Process & Material Development

Managing and analyzing data in research and development with Excel spreadsheets is very time-consuming and inefficient. Leverage our software to automate your workflows and unlock the full potential of your data.

Process parameter development in 3D Printing
Statisctical Process Control in amsight software.

Improve your Quality Assurance & Certification

Significantly reduce your quality management effort, improve your processes and guarantee a full traceability from feedstock to final part - all with one software.


Our software empowers Additive Manufacturing users to transform their data into actionable insights. Optimize your processes, improve quality, and unlock untapped cost savings potential.

All relevant data in one place

Automate data management tasks

Optimize AM processes, quality & costs

Avoid data silos in spreadsheets and centralize all your data in one software.

  • discover how you can leverage your data for continuous improvement
  • fuel your research development with actionable insights
  • push the boundaries of Additive Manufacturing

Significantly reduce your data management efforts and costs.

  • organize and standardize workflows
  • automated data import and data management tasks
  • machine connectivity

Optimize the whole AM process chain, minimize waste, and boost productivity.

  • leverage your data for continuous improvement
  • identify untapped cost saving potential through holistic data analytics
  • optimize your process parameters

Effective Data Management for Additive Manufacturing

Download our whitepaper for free and get more insights.

  • Benefits of an effective data management

  • Implementation strategy

  • Use-Case: Optimizing quality and material efficiency through data

Preview of amsight whitepaper on data management


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June 25, 2024

amsight Connects with Perspective IT-talents at ITCS Hamburg

ITCS Hamburg was part of amsight’s agenda in June where the team presented different career opportunities at the company and connected with experts in the IT field.
June 12, 2024

amsight Presented its Software at 'Mittelstandstag 3D-Druck' in Lübeck

amsight showcased its software for AM efficiency & quality at 3D-Druck Mittelstandstag in Lübeck. The company presented its software and delivered a presentation.
May 2, 2024

InnoFounder Program of IFB Hamburg Awards Grant to amsight

amsight is awarded grant in the amount of €75,000 from InnoFounder - a program offered by the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg). The funding will be used for accelerating software development, expanding the market reach and recruitment.

What our partners say

“The amsight software helps us to better understand our 3D printing processes, increase our component quality and significantly reduce quality assurance costs.”

Markus Albrecht

Team Leader
Kegelmann Technik GmbH

“In our projects, we generate a lot of valuable data, the potential of which we have not yet been able to fully exploit. By centrally storing and easily accessing all data in the amsight software, we change this. We are now able to deliver optimal results to our project partners even faster.”

Maximilian Kluge

Department Head
Fraunhofer IAPT

“With the amsight software, we document our 3D Printing processes in a certification-compliant manner. Furthermore, we are able to continuously track our machine performance and optimize our printing processes.”

Roman Lengsdorf

Technical Managing Director

“At Fraunhofer IPA, we are working with amsight to improve data consistency and efficiency in our process development for polymer powder-based additive manufacturing. We are jointly exploring new machine interfaces to achieve seamless connectivity with the amsight software.”

Jan Jahnsen

Team Leader
Fraunhofer IPA